Monday, 22 August 2011

Dear _____________,

There are many things going on my mind, I want to say a million things to you, but I want to clear out my head first. When I first replied to your Craigslist ad, I wasn't expecting a reply. You replied after a day, and we exchanged photos and you gave out your number. We started exchanging SMS, and I felt this is someone I can meet up and see where it goes.

We went out to the mall for dinner, dessert, film and coffee for more talking. The time didn't matter, it went flying by. I don't know, but I asked you if I can hold your hand while watching, and I felt good about it. I wanted to keep seeing you, to get a better feel of who you are- and if I am willing to accept you as a person.  However, you said you don't believe in dates- either we go out as friends or lovers. This I cannot fathom.

I don't know if I made an ass out of myself that Saturday- for fidgeting so much, getting lost in finding my ride, talking too much and not looking at you in the eye, and letting you step on wet cement, which I thought was a board. Seemed like it from afar, and it was night time too. 

As the days go by, and the countless SMS messages between the two of us, I don't know, but I'm starting to feel like we're trying to have a power struggle. You want to oversimplify things, while I want to see where this takes us down the road. I like the excitement and uncertainty that life brings, because from that, we cling to hope. In the end, where the road may take us, I believe we did not waste time. Rather, we will learn lessons that will surely prepare us for the next one. I truly believe that, we live life forwards and only understand it backwards.

I'm still thinking of attending your class, since you want me to decide. Maybe I'll give you that. It hasn't occurred so I can't say anything. 

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