Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Review: Kyss Mig

How do you act or react to the 'force of nature'? How do you fight undeniable attraction? How do you act or react to that long, lost feeling that you are now experiencing? As humans, do we have to follow social norms, like heterosexual marriage because it is expected of us? Do we deny ourselves the feeling of wanting and being wanted by someone, because it seems wrong in the eyes of society, family? Are we contented with our lives 'just being 
okay'? What have we insanely done in the name of love? These questions came to mind whilst watching Kyss Mig  (With Every Heartbeat), a Swedish lesbian film that was recently shown in July 2011. The story revolves around marriage, and two soon-to-be stepsisters in Liv Mjones (Frida) and Ruth Vega Fernandez (Mia),  find themselves developing deeper feelings towards each other. Give credit to all the actors, especially Mia, who acted every pore of her being in the film. For one can truly see her facial expression and readily empathize with every emotion that she had to portray in the film.  Certainly, she is more attractive when she’s with Frida, though it does take time to appreciate her charm, unlike the happy-go-lucky Frida, whose Scandinavian looks and ready smile easily draws the viewers to her. Simply put, I’d give the film a 9/10 for the plot, character development and Mia’s superb acting. Moreover, there is no need for English subtitles (although I did watch with subtitles) because the acting prowess speaks for the story. Surely, both actresses will be sought-after, especially Ruth Vega Fernandez after this film. In fact, many have compared it to the famous Fucking Amal (Show Me Love, 1998), a coming-of-age film about 2 teenage girls. Additional note, that both English titles may have originated from Robyn Carlsson’s songs, which were also used for both films. It has been a very long wait, 13 years in fact, for the next big Swedish lesbian film to arrive, but it was worth it. Perhaps they can shorten the gap for the next one. 

See the trailer here: 


  1. Hi, can I ask where I could watch this movie with english subtitles? I really love the movie and I'm sure it would be more heart moving if I could totally understand what they are saying..

    1. Hi Thrince, you can download it as torrent with English subtitles. Thanks!
