Sunday, 27 May 2012

HESL Workshop: God's Miracle

When we encounter problems, that's when we call upon God. So, I started  praying novenas to St. Clare and St. Jude. Honestly, I didn't get the answer that I liked and I went for a reiki session. Ms. Rosanna told me to attend CEFAM Seminar or Cenacle Sisters.
Upon speaking with my partner on May 22, she recommended that I go to HESL Workshop by CEFAM
She participated last year and emailed me a brochure.
Indeed, God works in mysterious ways, He will really make a way. The same night, I called them and was asked to call the next day. Hence I called and asked Ms. Judith the details. Then I told her to hold a slot for me until 3pm, I just needed to find a transport. 
After having an argument with my mother, I was very keen to go. My partner also told me that I may ask Ms. Judith to ride with them as well. So I called her if hitching was possible and she sent me an SMS with a yes! 
So I agreed to meet them at McDo Katipunan on Friday, May 25 @ 1030am. Yes! God will make a way when there seems to be no way. 

On my next blog, I will tell you how this workshop has helped me.

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